Lectureship Awards

The IASLC Lectureship Awards recognize "rising star" IASLC members who are making outstanding contributions to the lung cancer community.
WCLC 2024

Applications for the 2025 Lectureship Awards are now open! 

The IASLC Lectureship Awards are focused in the areas of radiation oncology, medical oncology, small cell lung cancer, nursing/allied health, translational research, thoracic surgery, staging, and tobacco control. On behalf of the IASLC Board of Directors, we thank you for your nominations for these important awards.

We encourage you to nominate those who inspire you and help us continue advancing the field of lung cancer research and care!

At the 2024 World Conference on Lung Cancer, The International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer presented awards to clinicians and researchers who made significant contributions to the fight against lung cancer. The awards represent many major categories of lung cancer research, from tumor staging to tobacco control and smoking cessation.

2024 Lectureship Awards for Staging

The IASLC Lectureship Awards for Staging include:

  • Robert J. Ginsberg Lectureship Award for Surgery
  • Clifton F. Mountain Lectureship Award for Staging
  • Tsuguo Naruke Lectureship Award for Surgery

The award winners are selected by the IASLC Nominating and Executive Committees.


Leah Backhus

Professor in the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Stanford University
United States

Robert J. Ginsberg Lectureship Award for Surgery    


Leah Backhus MD MPH FACS is a Professor in the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery at Stanford University.  She trained in general surgery at the University of Southern California and cardiothoracic surgery at the University of California Los Angeles.  She practices at Stanford Hospital and is Chief of Thoracic Surgery at the VA Palo Alto.  Her surgical practice consists of general thoracic surgery with special emphasis on thoracic oncology and minimally invasive surgical techniques.  She heads up the Thoracic Surgical Health Services Research group in the Division of Thoracic Surgery and has grant funding through the Veterans Affairs Administration with a VA Merit Award and is Co-PI on an NIH RO1 translational study examining diaphragm dysfunction among esophagectomy patients.  She is a Charter Member Reviewer for Imaging Guided Interventions and Surgery (IGIS) study section in the NIH.  Her current research interests are in cancer surveillance and survivorship care in evaluating needs, quality of life, and adherence to national standards of care.  She is a member of the National Lung Cancer Roundtable of the American Cancer Society and has served as a professional member of the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) Advisory Panel on Improving Healthcare Systems.  She is a member of the American Association for Thoracic Surgery and sits on the Board of Directors of the Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS).  As an educator, Dr. Backhus is the Associate Program Director for the Stanford Thoracic Track Residency program and prior Chair of the ACGME Review Committee for Thoracic Surgery.  She has also been the recipient of national awards for teaching by the Thoracic Surgery Residents Association and for excellence in her field with the STS Extraordinary Women in Cardiothoracic Surgery Award.

Chi-Fu Jeffrey Yang

Thoracic Surgeon, Massachusetts General Hospital
United States

Clifton F. Mountain Lectureship Award for Staging


Dr. Chi-Fu Jeffrey Yang is a surgeon-scientist specializing in thoracic oncology.  With regard to his research as co-principal investigator and project leader, he was awarded a $3.9 million R01 grant to develop algorithms to detect impending complications in thoracic surgery patients prior to symptom onset.  In 2023, he was awarded a $1.5 million R18 grant to lead—as co-principal investigator and project leader—a multi-center clinical trial evaluating the impact of lung cancer screening in Black women at high risk of developing lung cancer; this trial will build upon his previous work that demonstrated the severe limitations of the current lung cancer screening guidelines. In addition, Dr. Yang serves as the Vice Chair for the Thoracic Surgery Group of Alliance and is leading, as co-principal investigator, a $5 million multi-center clinical trial evaluating adjuvant immunotherapy for completely resected small cell lung cancer.

Dr. Yang is a passionate advocate for community outreach and leads the American Lung Cancer Screening Initiative, a 501(c)(3) non-profit that he founded in 2018 to increase access to lung cancer screening for at-risk populations.  The work has been recognized by over 350 mayors and governors from all 50 states, who have issued proclamations highlighting the importance of lung cancer screening.

Dr. Yang is strongly focused on contributing to the IASLC.  Over the past seven years, Dr. Yang and his mentees have given seven full-length oral presentations and ten mini-oral presentations at the World Conference on Lung Cancer, which have been featured at the IASLC press conferences and podcasts because of their significance.  In addition, he led his institution's efforts to contribute over 500 patients to the IASLC Staging Project.  Dr. Yang is also co-chair of the IASLC CT screening symposiums of 2023 and 2024 and the co-chair of the Early Detection and Screening Program of the 2024 World Conference on Lung Cancer.    

Wentao Fang

Professor, Shanghai Chest Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Tsuguo Naruke Lectureship Award for Surgery    

Dr. Wentao Fang has been a full member of the IASLC during the past decade and has been actively involved in the following activities:

  1. IASLC Staging and Prognostic Factor Committee – As a Steering Committee member, Dr. Fang has been taking full responsibility for SPFC-SC during the revision of the 9th staging process.  Shanghai Chest Hospital contributed more than 2000 cases to the lung cancer database.  As the Chair of the Mediastinal Tumor Committee of the Chinese Anti-Cancer Association, he helped accrue more than 2000 cases from the Chinese national database and contributed them to the thymic tumor dataset.  He has been acting as the Chair of the Esophageal cancer Subcommittee, Chair of the N factor working group of the Thymic tumor Subcommittee, and a member of the T factor working group of the Lung cancer Subcommittee.  Dr. Fang has helped to draft the T3 paper for lung cancer as the last author, and the N and M paper for thymic tumor as the first author.  He has also helped prepare the staging manual for esophageal cancer and for the N category of thymic tumor.
  2. Dr. Fang has been serving as a program committee member for WCLC during the past few years, organizing sessions on lung cancer screening and thymic tumors.  He has chaired sessions and acted as a speaker at education sessions each year at WCLC.
  3. In recent years, Dr. Fang has also joined the activities of the Communication Committee.
  4. Currently, Dr. Fang is a member of the Multidisciplinary Clinical Science Committee.  He is also participating in the IASLC Biomarker Survey Focus Group.

2024 Lectureship Nominating Committee Awards

The IASLC Lectureship Awards for the Nominating Committee include:

  • Daniel C. Ihde Lectureship Award for Medical Oncology 
  • Heine H. Hansen Lectureship Award for Small Cell Lung Cancer 

The award winners are selected by the IASLC Nominating and Executive Committees.


Solange Peters

Director of Medical Oncology & Thoracic Malignancies Program in the Department of Oncology, University Hospital of Lausanne in Lausanne, Switzerland

Daniel C. Ihde Lectureship Award for Medical Oncology    


Solange Peters, MD, PhD, is a full Professor and Director of Medical Oncology, as well as the Thoracic Malignancies program in the Department of Oncology at the University Hospital of Lausanne in Lausanne, Switzerland. She received both her doctorate in medicine and PhD from the University Hospital of Lausanne. After completing her clinical education in medical oncology and molecular biology in Switzerland and Italy, Professor Peters has specialized in thoracic tumors, lung cancer, and pleural tumors.

Her main fields of interest are new biomarkers discovery and validation in preclinical and clinical settings, multimodality strategies for locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), as well as cancer immunotherapy.  Parallel, she is the Scientific Committee Chair and Foundation Council member of the European Thoracic Oncology Platform (ETOP). She was recently nominated as the Strategic Advisory Board President of the Paris Saclay Cancer Cluster, is President of the Swiss Academy of Multidisciplinary Oncology (SAMO), and Vice Director of the Swiss National Cancer League. Professor Peters is active in the educational programs of the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) – where she created the Women for Oncology Committee for which she was the youngest President ever for an extended time of three years from 2020-2022.

Professor Peters has authored more than 500 peer-reviewed manuscripts and book chapters, acts as Associate Editor of the Annals of Oncology, and of ESMO Open, Co-Editor in Chief of Lung Cancer, and serves on the editorial board of several other oncology journals.  

Luis Paz-Ares

Chair of the Medical Oncology Department, Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre

Heine H. Hansen Lectureship Award for Small Cell Lung Cancer


Luis Paz-Ares MD, PhD, is currently Chair of the Medical Oncology Department at the Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre, Professor of Medicine at the Universidad Complutense, and Head of the Lung Cancer Unit at the CNIO (Spanish National Cancer Research Center)

He graduated with a degree in Medicine from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and was trained as a resident in Medical Oncology at Hospital 12 de Octubre (1987-1991).  In 1993, he completed a PhD in Medicine at the Universidad Autónoma.  He was a postdoctoral ESMO Research Fellow at the Beatson Oncology Centre (1993– 1995) and completed a master's degree in clinical pharmacology at the University of Glasgow.  Before their his current position, he was Chair of the Medical Oncology Department at the Virgen del Rocío University Hospital, Vice-Director of the IBIS Research Institute and Visiting Research Fellow at the DFCI (1999–2000), and Responsible for Thoracic Tumors and Early Clinical Trials Units at the Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre.

Luis Paz-Ares's research focuses on lung cancer and new therapeutic strategies development, both at the lab and clinical sides, and he has led many projects and research networks and published more than 450 articles in peer-reviewed journals, including New England Journal of Medicine, Lancet, Lancet Oncology, Nature Medicine, Journal of Clinical Oncology and many others (WOS H index: 96; Google Scholar: 115). He has served as a member of several committees, including IASLC, ASCO and ESMO, ETOP and EORTC, and the European Medicines Agency.  He has also been the Chief Medical Officer of the AECC (Spanish Anti-cancer League), where he also sits on the Scientific Foundation Board.  He is the President of the Oncosur Foundation the Past-President of ASEICA (Spanish Association of Cancer Research).  He has been recognized with several honors such as the Fundación Lilly and Ramiro Carregal in 2017. 

2024 Lectureship Awards for Tobacco Control and Smoking Cessation

The IASLC Lectureship Awards for Tobacco Control and Smoking Cessation include: 

  • IASLC Lectureship Awards for Tobacco Control and Smoking Cessation 

The award winners are selected by the IASLC Nominating and Executive Committees.


Babalola Faseru

Professor of Population Health, Family Medicine & Community Health, University of Kansas Medical Center
United States

IASLC Lectureship Award for Tobacco Control and Smoking Cessation    


Dr. Babalola Faseru is a Professor of Population Health, Family Medicine, and Community Health at the University of Kansas Medical Center, a Consultant Medical Epidemiologist at the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, and the Director of Tobacco Treatment Education at the University of Kansas School of Medicine, Kansas City, Kansas, USA. In this role, he has successfully trained 467 Tobacco Treatment Specialists. Dr. Faseru has served as a principal investigator and co-investigator on multiple US National Institutes of Health grants, private foundation grants, and state contracts aimed at reducing tobacco-related health inequities.

Dr. Faseru received his medical degree from Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria, and did an internship at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Nigeria, and a residency in community medicine at the University College Hospital, Nigeria. After becoming a Senior Registrar, he was awarded a World Health Organization International Agency for Research on Cancer (WHO IARC) Cancer Research Fellowship and obtained his Master of Public Health degree from the University of Kuopio (now the University of Eastern Finland). He also completed postdoctoral fellowships in Tobacco Research and Clinical Epidemiology at the University of Kansas Medical Center. He conducts smoking cessation clinical trials and observational studies focused on reducing tobacco-related health disparities affecting African Americans, American Indians, and hospitalized patients. He currently serves as a member of the Kansas Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant Advisory Committee, the Kansas Cancer Partnership steering committee, and the Tobacco Free Kansas Coalition board. He is a councilor of the Council for Tobacco Treatment Training Programs (CTTTP), the accrediting body for tobacco treatment specialist training programs, a member of the National Certification Commission for Addiction Professionals Nicotine Dependence Specialist Task Force, and a Fellow of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco. He is the Lead Section Editor of the Epidemiology and Prevention Section of the Seventh Edition of the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) Principles of Addiction Medicine, and he is a member of the IASLC Tobacco Control and Smoking Cessation Committee and has chaired its Education subcommittee. He is on the editorial board of Contemporary Clinical Trials and the Journal of Community Medicine and Primary Health Care. He is also Deputy Editor of Substance Use and Addiction Journal.

2024 Lectureship Award for Radiation Oncology 

The IASLC Lectureship Award for Radiation Technology includes: 

  • James D. Cox Lectureship Award for Radiation Oncology 

The lectureship award for radiation oncology is nominated by the Advanced Radiation Technology Committee chaired by Dr. Corinne Fairve-Finn. 


Andrea Bezjak

Professor in the Departments of Radiation Oncology, Clinical Epidemiology & Health Care Research, University of Toronto

James D. Cox Lectureship Award for Radiation Oncology    


Dr. Andrea Bezjak is a Professor in the Departments of Radiation Oncology and Clinical Epidemiology & Health Care Research at the University of Toronto and a Thoracic Radiation oncologist at the Princess Margaret Cancer Center/University Health Network (PMH/UHN), Toronto, Canada. She has (co) authored more than 250 peer-reviewed manuscripts and has been a principal investigator of multi-center clinical trials in lung cancer, including the practice-defining phase I/II NRG trial of SBRT for centrally located lung cancers.  Her clinical areas are lung cancer, thymoma and metastatic disease, and her research interests include quality of care, quality of life, education, and mentorship.

She has held many leadership positions within her department and institution, nationally and internationally, including being the Inaugural Addie MacNaughton Chair in Thoracic Radiation Oncology at PMH, Lung site group leader at UHN, President of CARO (Canadian Association of Radiation Oncology) and Chair of CROF (Canadian Radiation Oncology Foundation).

Currently, she is the Medical Director of the Princess Margaret Cancer Care Network and the Radiation Oncology Residency Program Director at the University of Toronto.

Previously, she was the IASLC Board Member (2019-23), Secretary of the IASLC Board (2021-23), and Past (co)President of the 2018 WCLC in Toronto, with her colleagues Drs Frances Shepherd, Natasha Leighl, and Gail Darling.  She has been an IASLC member since 1994 and has attended and presented at most of the WCLC meetings held in the past 30 years. 

2024 Lectureship Nurses and Allied Health Professionals Award Winners

The Lectureship Awards for Nurses and Allied Health Professionals include: 

  • IASLC Lectureship Award for Nurses and Allied Health Professionals 

The award winners are selected by the IASLC Nominating and Executive Committees.


Maria Ftanou

Director of the Psychosocial Oncology Program, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre

IASLC Lectureship Award for Nurses and Allied Health Professionals


Dr. Maria Ftanou (BAppSc (Hons), DPsych (Clinical), PhD) is a senior research fellow at the Centre for Mental Health in the Melbourne School of Population and Global Health and the Director of the Psychosocial Oncology Program at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Australia's only standalone public hospital dedicated to cancer care. Dr. Ftanou has over 20 years of clinical experience and has established herself as a national and international clinical leader in providing mental health services to people with cancer and their families. She leads a team of nurses, psychiatrists and psychologists and is also focused on delivering interventions that improve workforce wellbeing. Dr. Ftanou has led research aimed at developing and enhancing psychological intervention for people with lung cancer and other malignancies. She has been involved in the research evaluation of several large national mental health initiatives and conducted research in the field of suicide prevention. Her population-based research has led to policy changes and the implementation of significant mental health initiatives across Australia. She has published nearly 50 peer-reviewed articles and numerous commissioned reports, primarily for the Australian Government. Her work has been cited 701 times in 756 documents. She has been a named investigator on over $5 million of grants. She is currently co-supervising three PhD students. Dr. Ftanou is frequently invited to present at national and international projects and is a reviewer for numerous national and international journals. She is currently serving as past chair of the IASLC Nursing and Allied Health Professionals committee. 

2024 Lectureship Award for Pathology Committee

The Lectureship Award for the Pathology Committee is:

  • Fred R. Hirsch Lectureship Award for Translational Research 

The award winner is selected by the IASLC Nominating and Executive Committees. 


Montse Sanchez-Cespedes

Cancer Genetics Group Lead, Josep Carreras Research Institute

Fred R. Hirsch Lectureship Award For Translational Research  


Dr. Sanchez Cespedes has been dedicated for >20 years to the study of lung cancer (LC). Her scientific achievements have generated important publications in the finest scientific journals (e.g., Ann Oncol, Cancer Discovery, Clinical Cancer Res, EMBO Mol Med), which have received hundreds of citations. Currently, she leads the Cancer Genetics group at the Josep Carreras Research Institute (https://www.carrerasresearch.org/en/cancer-genetics_124455). Her laboratory is devoted to the genetic and molecular study of the mechanisms that drive LC development. The group has identified and characterized new genes altered in LC (e.g., STK11, SMARCA4, MAX), now considered important tumor suppressor genes. Her pioneering work on the inactivation of SMARCA4 (Medina 2010) and her dedicated efforts to understand the role of this gene in cancer have rendered a new therapeutic strategy for SMARCA4-mutant tumors (Romero 2021). Her group also has expertise in functional analysis in the genetic modification of cancer cells and in the use of massive analysis technologies. More recently, her team has also been actively working on the elucidation of the gene alterations that hinder immune recognition, being the first to discover genetic inactivation of B2M in lung tumors (Pereira, 2017) and JAK2 (Saigi, 2018). 

Additional efforts of her team have focused on identifying mechanisms involved in the acquisition of resistance to targeted therapies, having important contributions in this area (Pros et al. 2020). Her group is in constant contact with national and international groups to deepen the biological and translational aspects of LC. Collaborations with clinicians, pathologists, and basic researchers stand out. Altogether, Dr. Sanchez-Cespedes' group carry out a comprehensive study of lung cancer, from the molecular basis to the translational application of their findings, to implement the clinical management and to design novel therapeutic strategies, especially in targeted therapeutics and immune-oncology, in benefit of patients.

Past Lectureship Award Winners

  • Jessica Donington, MD - Robert J. Ginsberg Lectureship Award for Surgery
  • Navneet Singh, MD DM - Clifton F. Mountain Lectureship Award for Staging 
  • Alan Sihoe, MBBChir, FRCSEd, FCSHK, FHKAM - Tsuguo Naruke Lectureship Award for Surgery 
  • D. Ross Camidge, MD PhD - Daniel C. Ihde Lectureship Award for Medical Oncology 
  • Jie Wang, MD - Heine H. Hansen Lectureship Award for Small Cell Lung Cancer 
  • Silvia Novello, MD PhD - IASLC Lectureship Awards for Tobacco Control and Smoking Cessation 
  • Rafal Dziadziuszko, MD PhD - James D. Cox Lectureship Award for Radiation Oncology 
  • Melissa Culligan, MSN BSN - IASLC Lectureship Award for Nurses and Allied Health Professionals 
  • Wendy Cooper, Md PhD - Fred R. Hirsch Lectureship Award for Translational Research 
  • Isabelle Opitz, MDRobert J. Ginsberg Lectureship Award for Surgery
  • Clarissa Mathias, MD, PhDClifton F. Mountain Lectureship Award for Staging
  • Wen-Zhao Zhong, MD, PhDTsuguo Naruke Lectureship Award for Surgery 
  • Patrick Forde, MD, MBBChDaniel C. Ihde Lectureship Award for Medical Oncology 
  • Stephen V. Liu, MDHeine H. Hansen Lectureship Award for Small Cell Lung Cancer 
  • Ray Osarogiagbon, MDIASLC Lectureship Awards for Tobacco Control and Smoking Cessation 
  • Yuko Nakayama, MDJames D. Cox Lectureship Award for Radiation Oncology 
  • Anne FraserIASLC Lectureship Award for Nurses and Allied Health Professionals 
  • Lukas Bubendorf, MDFred R. Hirsch Lectureship Award for Translational Research 
  • Shun-ichi Watanabe, MD - Robert J. Ginsberg Lectureship Award for Surgery 
  • Ayten K. Cangir, MD - Clifton F. Mountain Lectureship Award for Staging 
  • James Huang, MD - Tsuguo Naruke Lectureship Award for Surgery 
  • Fabrice Barlesi, MD - Daniel C. Ihde Lectureship Award for Medical Oncology 
  • Trudy Oliver, PhD - Heine H. Hansen Lectureship Award for Small Cell Lung Cancer 
  • Graham Warren, MD, PhD - IASLC Lectureship Award for Tobacco Control and Smoking Cessation 
  • Cecile Le Pechoux, MD - James D. Cox Lectureship Award for Radiation Oncology 
  • Pippa Labuc - IASLC Lectureship Award for Nursing and Allied Health Professionals 
  • Lynette Scholl, MD - Fred R. Hirsch Lectureship Award for Translational Research
  • Eric Lim, MB, ChB, MD, MSc, FRCS(C-Th) - Robert J. Ginsberg Lectureship Award for Surgery 
  • Enrico Ruffini, MD - Clifton F. Mountain Lectureship Award for Staging 
  • Samina Park, MD - Tsuguo Naruke Lectureship Award for Surgery 
  • Myung-Ju Ahn, MD - Daniel C. Ihde Lectureship Award for Medical Oncology 
  • Lauren Averett Byers, MD- Heine H. Hansen Lectureship Award for Small Cell Lung Cancer 
  • Wanda de Kanter-Koppenol, MD - IASLC Lectureship Award for Tobacco Control and Smoking Cessation 
  • Walter John Curran, Jr., MD, FARCR, FASCO - James D. Cox Lectureship Award for Radiation Oncology 
  • Mary Duffy, RSCN, RGN, RSM - IASLC Lectureship Award for Nursing and Allied Health Professionals 
  • Sanja Dacic, MD, PhD - Fred R. Hirsch Lectureship Award for Translational Research (inaugural year)
  • Giulia Veronesi, MD - Robert J. Ginsberg Lectureship Award for Surgery 
  • Paula A. Ugalde, MD - Clifton F. Mountain Lectureship Award for Staging 
  • Raja M. Flores, MD - Tsuguo Naruke Lectureship Award for Surgery 
  • Daniel Tan, MD - Daniel C. Ihde Lectureship Award for Medical Oncology 
  • Caroline Dive, MD, PhD - Heine H. Hansen Lectureship Award for Small Cell Lung Cancer 
  • Emily Stone, MD - IASLC Lectureship Award for Tobacco Control and Smoking Cessation 
  • Corinne Favire-Finn, FRCR, MD, PhD - James D. Cox Lectureship Award for Radiation Oncology 
  • Kahren M. White - IASLC Lectureship Award for Nursing and Allied Health Professionals 
  • Roman K. Thomas, MD - Fred R. Hirsch Lectureship Award for Translational Research (formerly Adi F. Gazdar Lectureship Award for Translational Science) 


  • Valerie Rusch - Robert J. Ginsberg Lectureship Award for Surgery 
  • Johan Vansteenkiste - Clifton F. Mountain Lectureship Award for Staging
  • Hisao Asamura - Tsuguo Naruke Lectureship Award for Surgery
  • David Carbone - Daniel C. Ihde Lectureship Award for Medical Oncology
  • Charles Rudin - Heine H. Hansen Lectureship Awards for SCLC 
  • Hak Choy - James D. Cox Lectureship Award for Radiation Oncology
  • Kim Rohan - IASLC Lectureship Award for Nurses and Allied Health Professionals
  • Matthew Meyerson - Fred R. Hirsch Lectureship Award for Translational Research (formerly Adi F. Gazdar Lectureship Award for Translational Science) 



  • Francesco Guerrera - Robert J. Ginsberg Lectureship Award for Surgery
  • Herbert Decaluwe - Clifton F. Mountain Lectureship Award for Staging
  • Matthew Smeltzer - Tsuguo Naruke Lectureship Award for Surgery 
  • James Cox - Daniel C. Ihde Lectureship Award for Medical Oncology
  • Taofeek Owonikoko - Heine H. Hansen Lectureship Awards for SCLC
  • Dirk De Ruysscher - James D. Cox Lectureship Award for Radiation Oncology
  • Morten Quist - IASLC Lectureship Award for Nurses and Allied Health Professionals
  • Katey Enfield - Fred R. Hirsch Lectureship Award for Translational Research (formerly Adi F. Gazdar Lectureship Award for Translational Science) 

  • Aki Kobayashi - Robert J. Ginsberg Lectureship Award for Surgery
  • Hao-Ran Zhai - Clifton F. Mountain Lectureship Award for Staging
  • Ryuichi Waseda - Tsuguo Naruke Lectureship Award for Surgery
  • Marianna Christodoulou - Heine H. Hansen Lectureship Awards for SCLC
  • Krista Wink - James D. Cox Lectureship Award for Radiation Oncology
  • Jonathan Riess - Fred R. Hirsch Lectureship Award for Translational Research (formerly Adi F. Gazdar Lectureship Award for Translational Science) 
  • Virginie Westeel - Robert J. Ginsberg Lectureship Award for Surgery
  • Edward Robbins - Clifton F. Mountain Lectureship Award for Staging
  • Ryutaro Kakinuma - Tsuguo Naruke Lectureship Award for Surgery
  • John Edwards - Daniel C. Ihde Lectureship Award for Medical Oncology
  • Charles Rudin - Heine H. Hansen Lectureship Awards for SCLC
  • Lynnette Fernandez - Cuesta - Fred R. Hirsch Lectureship Award for Translational Research (formerly Adi F. Gazdar Lectureship Award for Translational Science) 
  • Meinoshin Okumura - Robert J. Ginsberg Lectureship Award for Surgery
  • Min Kim - Clifton F. Mountain Lectureship Award for Staging
  • Junji Yoshida - Tsuguo Naruke Lectureship Award for Surgery
  • Suresh Ramalingam - Daniel C. Ihde Lectureship Award for Medical Oncology
  • Michael Seckl - Heine H. Hansen Lectureship Awards for SCLC
  • Kelvin Lau - Robert J. Ginsberg Lectureship Award for Surgery
  • Richard Peto - Clifton F. Mountain Lectureship Award for Staging
  • Marcin Zielinski - Tsuguo Naruke Lectureship Award for Surgery
  • Vidya Setty - Daniel C. Ihde Lectureship Award for Medical Oncology
  • Joachim von Pawel - Heine H. Hansen Lectureship Awards for SCLC
  • Enriqueta Felip - Robert J. Ginsberg Lectureship Award for Surgery
  • Junji Yoshida - Clifton F. Mountain Lectureship Award for Staging
  • Mathew Ninan - Tsuguo Naruke Lectureship Award for Surgery
  • Jin Soo Lee - Daniel C. Ihde Lectureship Award for Medical Oncology
  • David Spigel - Heine H. Hansen Lectureship Awards for SCLC
  • Aokage Keiju - Robert J. Ginsberg Lectureship Award for Surgery
  • Nasser Hanna - Daniel C. Ihde Lectureship Award for Medical Oncology
  • Ben Slotman - Heine H. Hansen Lectureship Awards for SCLC