IASLC Staging Project: Lung Cancer, Thymic Tumors, and Mesothelioma

IASLC Staging Project: Lung Cancer, Thymic Tumors, and Mesothelioma

The third phase of the IASLC Staging Project for thoracic malignancies has concluded. We are proud to announce that the Staging and Prognostic Factors Group’s recommended revisions have been adopted by the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) for their version 9 staging protocols for lung cancer, thymic tumors, and pleural mesothelioma. 
Thank you to all investigators and their institutions who submitted data and to the Staging and Prognostic Factors Group members for their voluntary contributions to this project.


IASLC Staging Project for the 9th Edition of the Tumor, Node, Metastasis (TNM)

The revised TNM classification system for Lung Cancer, Thymic Epithelial Tumors, Mesothelioma, and Esophageal Cancer are described in the 9th Edition IASLC Staging Cards and the Staging Manual for Thoracic Oncology, 3rd Edition.

Order or download your copies today! 

Members of the Staging and Prognostic Factors Group describe the changes in the new version of the Tumor, Node, Metastasis (TNM) staging system for thoracic malignancies!

View Video
Paula Ugalde Describes TNM Changes in Portugese
View Video
Hisao Asamura Describes TNM Changes in Japanese
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Jin Mo Goo Describes TNM Changes in Korean

The IASLC Staging Project: 9th Edition TNM on Lung Cancer Considered

In this episode of Lung Cancer Considered, host Dr. Stephen Liu and guests preview the publication of the IASLC Ninth Edition of Tumor, Node, and Metastasis (TNM) Classification System for Lung Cancer. The new edition will be published in January 2025 and has some important changes that reflect an evolving understanding of the disease and a more rigorous analysis of data from around the world.

Staging Project for the Version 10 TNM Staging System

The fourth cycle of the IASLC Staging Project for version 10 of the TNM classification system is now underway! The main goals for version 10 are to further refine the anatomical TNM staging system and to consider how other prognostic factors, such as molecular biomarkers and delineation of screen-detected lung cancer, impact patient prognosis.  
To address these objectives, we are building a new Staging Database of lung cancer, thymic tumors and mesothelioma cases, which will prioritize data quality and completeness and global representativeness. Institutions will be selected based on these criteria to determine their eligibility to contribute clinical cases to the database.  

To inquire about contributing data to the version 10 Staging Project, please contact staging@iaslc.org


Valerie Rusch
Valerie W. Rusch


Staging Project Chair

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

Ray U. Osarogiagbon
Ray U. Osarogiagbon


Baptist Cancer Center

Hisao Asamura
Hisao Asamura


Staging Project Past Chair

Tokyo Dental College


Staging Cards — 9th Edition
Staging Project Resource
The IASLC Staging Project is a global effort to study and improve the current staging system for...
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Staging Manual in Thoracic Oncology, 3rd Edition
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The IASLC Staging Project is a global effort to study and improve the current staging system for...
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Annual Report 2020
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The IASLC Staging and Prognostic Factors Committee (SPFC) proposed revisions to the lung cancer...
(IASLC) Staging Project In Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma
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The Protocol for the Staging Project in MPM is a fundamental tool for those who intend to apply for...
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(IASLC) Staging Project In Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma
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A contractual overview of the MPM portion of the Staging Project.
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IASLC Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma Staging Project, Data Elements
Staging Project Resource
Specific data elements are required to participate in the Staging Project. This document outlines...
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Explore the 9th Edition TNM system recommendations, published now in the Journal of Thoracic Oncology.