In this Virtual Tumor Board episode of Lung Cancer Considered, host Dr. Stephen Liu and his guests discuss the dynamic topic of managing resectable stage III NSCLC. Joining him are:
Dr. Tina Cascone, Assistant Professor and Thoracic Medical Oncologist at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center and Principal Investigator of the neoadjuvant NEOSTAR study.
Dr. Isabelle Schmitt-Opitz, Professor of Thoracic Surgery and Director of the Department of Thoracic Surgery at the University Hospital of Zurich, Chair of the Lung Cancer Center of Zurich, and the President of the European Society of Thoracic Surgery. She received the IASLC Robert J Ginsberg Lectureship Award for Surgery at the 2022 World Conference on Lung Cancer.
Dr. Jonathan Spicer, Medical Director of the Thoracic Oncology Program at McGill University in Montreal, where he is the Advanced Thoracic and Upper GI Surgical Oncology Fellowship Program Director. He is also a co-author of the CheckMate 816 study.