Pathology Committee

For more than 35 years, the IASLC Pathology Committee has played a fundamental role in fulfilling core aspects of the association's mission.


The committee is an acting working group of like-minded individuals who produce publications, offer guidance for the organization's annual slate of meetings and help establish the IASLC as an international leader in the clinical and scientific aspects of lung cancer pathology.

Chair of Committee

Sanja Dacic
Sanja Dacic
2023 to present

Committee projects

Committee Contributions and Milestones

Since its founding in 1982, the IASLC Pathology Committee has made a series of major contributions to the development of the discipline and the overall treatment of lung cancer and other thoracic malignancies.

In an effort to encapsulate this work, the IASLC has compiled an interactive infographic that traces both the work of the committee and select landmark events in the field of pathology.


Sanja Dacic
United States
Yale University Medical School
Committee Chair
Wendy Cooper
Royal Prince Alfred Hospital
Past Chair
Fernando Lopez-Rios
Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre
Deputy Chair
Ignacio Wistuba
United States
MD Anderson Cancer Center
Board Liaison
Murry Wynes
United States
International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer
Staff Liaison
Mary Beth Beasley
United States
Mount Sinai Medical Center
Committee Member
Sabina Berezowska
Lausanne University Hospital and University of Lausanne
Committee Member
Lukas Bubendorf
University of Basel
Committee Member
Wei-Chin Chang
MacKay Memorial Hospital
Committee Member
Teh-Ying Chou
Taipei Veterans General Hospital
Committee Member
Alain Borczuk
United States
Weill Cornell
Committee Member
Tricia Cottrell
Queen's University
Committee Member
Valeria Denninghoff
University of Buenos Aires (UBA) , National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET)
Committee Member
Yuchen Han
Shanghai Chest Hospital
Committee Member
Takuo Hayashi
Juntendo University School of Medicine
Committee Member
Fred Hirsch
United States
University of Colorado Cancer Center
Committee Member
Paul Hofman
Nice Sophia Antipolis University
Committee Member
David Hwang
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Odette Cancer Centre
Committee Member
Deepali Jain
All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS)
Committee Member
Philippe Joubert
Universite Laval; Laval Hospital
Committee Member
Keith Kerr
United Kingdom
University of Aberdeen, School of Medicine and Dentistry
Committee Chair
Sylvie Lantuejoul
Centre Léon Bérard and Grenoble Alpes University
Committee Member
John Le Quesne
United Kingdom
University of Glasow
Committee Member
Dongmei Lin
Beijing Cancer Hospital
Committee Member
Daisuke Matsubara
Jichi Medical University
Committee Member
Yuko Minami
Ibarakihigashi National Hospital
Committee Member
Mari Mino-Kenudson
United States
Massachusetts General Hospital
Committee Member
Andrew Nicholson
United Kingdom
Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Foundation Trust
Committee Member
Masayuki Noguchi
University of Tsukuba
Committee Member
Mauro Papotti
University of Turin
Committee Member
Teodora Radonic
Vrije University Medical Center Amsterdam
Committee Member
Natasha Rekhtman
United States
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Committee Member
Fabio Rocha Fernandes Tavora
Hospital de Messejana
Committee Member
Anja Roden
United States
Mayo Clinic
Committee Member
Anjali Saqi
United States
Columbia University Medical Center
Committee Member
Kurt Schalper
United States
Yale Cancer Center
Committee Member
Lynette Sholl
United States
Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Committee Member
Hyo Sup Shim
Yonsei University College of Medicine
Committee Member
Erik Thunnissen
VU University Medical Center
Committee Member
William Travis
United States
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Committee Member
Jan Von Der Thussen
Eramus MC
Committee Member
Annikka Weissferdt
United States
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Committee Member
Yasushi Yatabe
Aichi Cancer Center Hospital
Committee Member

Related Resources

Collection of Histological Images of Lung Cancer
Practice Resource
High-quality histology images of lung cancer based on the 2015 WHO classification.
The IASLC Atlas of ALK and ROS1 Testing in Lung Cancer
Practice Resource
The Atlas is meant to serve as a resource to help pathologists, laboratory scientists, and...
The IASLC Atlas of PD-L1 Testing in Lung Cancer
Practice Resource
The IASLC Atlas of PD-L1 Immunohistochemistry Testing in Lung Cancer is a new resource for...
Atlas of EGFR Testing in Lung Cancer Cover
Practice Resource
The IASLC Atlas of EGFR Testing in Lung Cancer is a useful guidebook, aiming to provide pathologists...
Committee Chairs: 1982-Present
Trace the Pathology Committee Chair position almost back to the inception of the Committee itself.
Download(136 KB)

Committee Nominations are now closed.

New Committee Nominations will take place again in 2025.