Tobacco Control and Smoking Cessation Committee

Improving patient care by raising awareness of cessation-related data and by provision of information regarding the latest and most successful cessation techniques for patients with lung cancer.
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It is well known that ongoing tobacco use is associated with poorer survival in people with lung cancer. The IASLC formed the Tobacco Control & Smoking Cessation Committee in 2012 to provide advice and direction to activities and initiatives that the Association should engage in to reduce the use of tobacco worldwide. The Committee ensures that IASLC addresses the needs of practitioners seeking to help their patients stop tobacco use. This Committee will recommend actions to contribute to international, national, and local efforts in tobacco control research, initiatives, and interventions.

MISSION: The Tobacco Control and Smoking Cessation Committee’s (TCSC) mission is to contribute to global efforts to prevent lung cancer and improve the clinical outcomes of patients with lung and other cancers through smoking cessation. The TCSC committee will advance its mission by proactively engaging IASLC members in tobacco control and cessation initiatives. Through collaborative partnerships, the expertise, diversity, and global representation of committee members will be leveraged to advance smoking cessation research, education, knowledge transfer, and to promote effective tobacco control policies.

Committee projects


TCSC Committee is working to provide the lung cancer community with evidence supporting the substantial benefits of smoking cessation at the time of thoracic cancer diagnosis. This project will explore the barriers that patients with thoracic cancer face in receiving tobacco dependency treatment at the levels of the patient, healthcare professional, healthcare system leader, and healthcare policy leader. The aim is to develop a global resource to support the implementation of effective and equitable tobacco dependency services in thoracic cancer care at both the individual and system levels, ultimately reducing cancer recurrence and improving overall survival.

Chair of Committee

Joelle Fathi
Joelle Fathi
2023 - Present

2023-2025 Roster

Joelle Fathi
United States
University of Washington
Committee Chair
Bill Evans
McMaster University
Committee Past Chair
Mahdi Sheikh
IARC - International Agency for Research on Cancer / World Health Organization
Deputy Chair
Joachim Aerts
Erasmus University Medical Center
Board Liaison
Keelan Zius
United States
International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer
Staff Liaison
Douglas Arenberg
United States
University of Michigan
Committee Member
Olalekan Ayo-Yusuf
South Africa
University of Pretoria/Universiteit van Pretoria
Committee Member
Deepti Behl
United States
Sutter Sacramento Lung Cancer Program
Committee Member
Carolyn Dresler
United States
Center for Tobacco Products USA FDA
Committee Member
Lawson Eng
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Committee Member
Matthew Evison
United Kingdom
British Thoracic Society
Committee Member
Babalola Faseru
United States
University of Kansas Medical Center
Committee Member
Jacek Jassem
Medical University of Gdansk
Committee Member
Surender Kashyap
Atal Medical and Research University
Committee Member
Stephanie Land
United States
National Cancer Institute
Committee Member
Henry Marshall
The Prince Charles Hospital and University of Queensland Thoracic Research Centre
Committee Member
Rachael Murray
United Kingdom
University of Nottingham
Committee Member
Emma O'Dowd
United Kingdom
University of Nottingham
Committee Member
Abhishek Shankar
All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS)
Committee Member
Matthew Steliga
United States
University of Arkansas
Committee Member
Conor Steuer
United States
Emory University
Committee Member
Emily Stone
St Vincent's Hospital Sydney
Committee Member
Kathryn Taylor
United States
Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center’s Cancer Prevention and Control Program
Committee Member
Graham Warren
United States
Medical University of South Carolina
Committee Member
Kahren White
Cancer Institute NSW
Committee Member

Related Resources

IASLC Position Statement
Lung cancer is a complicated disease with many causes. Among them are tobacco smoke, radon, and...
Download(109.17 KB)

Tobacco Cessation Position Statement Endorsements


National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology – Smoking Cessation

Tobacco smoking has been implicated in causing cancers of the lungs, mouth, lips, nose, sinuses, larynx, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, kidney, bladder, uterus, cervix, colon/rectum, ovary, and myeloid leukemia.1   Cancers linked to tobacco use comprise 40% of all cancer diagnoses, and cigarette smoking is linked to 30% of all cancer-related deaths nationwide.2   State-level data suggest that cigarette smoking is responsible for as high as 40% of cancer-related deaths in some geographic regions.3   Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related death in both males and females.4   The recommendations in these guidelines apply to the cessation of cigarette smoking, which poses the greatest risk to patients with cancer. Regardless of stage or treatment modalities, all patients should be encouraged to achieve and maintain abstinence from all combustible tobacco products (e.g., cigarettes, cigars, hookah) and smokeless tobacco products. Smoking cessation has health benefits even after a cancer diagnosis, regardless of site, stage, or prognosis—namely, improvement in cancer treatment outcomes, primary cancer recurrence, and secondary cancers. Importantly, a diagnosis of cancer may present a teachable moment and valuable opportunity for providers to encourage smoking cessation.5-8 It is the view of the NCCN Smoking Cessation Panel that it is never too late for patients with cancer at any stage to stop smoking cigarettes and experience health benefits.

  • 1. Siegel RL, Miller KD, Jemal A. Cancer statistics, 2019. CA Cancer J Clin 2019;69:7–34.30620402
  • 2. CDC Vital Signs: Cancer and tobacco use. Accessed January 12, 2023. Available at:
  • 3. Goding SauerA, SiegelRL, et al.State-level cancer mortality attributable to cigarette smoking in the United States. /JAMA Intern Med/2016;176:1792–1798
  • 4. SiegelRL, MillerKD, FuchsHE, et al.Cancer statistics, 2022. /CA Cancer J Clin/2022;72:7–33
  • 5-8. CarrollAJ, Veluz-WilkinsAK, BlazekovicS, et al.Cancer-related disease factors and smoking cessation treatment: analysis of an ongoing clinical trial. /Psychooncology/2018;27:471–476. GritzER, FingeretMC, VidrineDJ, et al.Successes and failures of the teachable moment: smoking cessation in cancer patients. /Cancer/2006;106:17–27 WestmaasJL, NewtonCC, StevensVL, et al.Does a recent cancer diagnosis predict smoking cessation? An analysis from a large prospective US cohort. /J Clin Oncol/2015;33:1647–1652. TangMW, OakleyR, DaleC, et al.A surgeon led smoking cessation intervention in a head and neck cancer centre. /BMC Health Serv Res/2014;14:636