Annual Report

Kristin Richeimer
Kristin Richeimer
Heather Wakelee
Heather Wakelee, MD

Welcome Letter

Dear Colleagues and Friends, Welcome to the 2021 IASLC Annual Report! As we look back on 2021, we see how our lives, our Association and the lung cancer community as a whole continued to be impacted by the pandemic. While we hoped that 2021 would bring us back together to meet in person, that was not to be. However, IASLC was able to produce extraordinary publications and education offerings within a virtual platform.

IASLC Year in Review

Dr. Heather Wakelee welcomes you to the IASLC 2021 Annual Report. 

IASLC's International and Multidisciplinary Membership

Despite the worldwide focus on COVID-19, IASLC members from all corners of the world continued to drive scientific advancements and collaboration. IASLC members worked in incredibly difficult circumstances during the pandemic. Furthering the mission of the IASLC, members were supported in these global efforts by receiving discounted registration fees to meetings and educational events, complimentary access to the Journal of Thoracic Oncology and discounted publication fees for the open-access IASLC Journal, JTO Clinical and Research Reports. (JTO CRR)

Members By Country/Region

Members by Primary Specialty

Labels Values
Medical Oncology 1984
Thoracic Surgery 862
Other/Unknown 613
Pulmonary Medicine 593
Cancer Research 412
Radiation Oncology 389
Pathology 335
Advocacy 270
Biotech/Pharmaceutical 170
Nursing 93
Diagnostic Radiology 90
Pharmacy 51
Biostatistics 40
Smoking Cessation 11
Hemotology 8
Resp Therapy/Physiotherapy 6

Professional Activity/Practice

Labels Values
Academic Medical Center 2966
Other/Unknown 830
Cancer Center 655
Pharmaceutical/Biotech 554
Private Practice (Hospital) 216
Private Practice (Office) 202
Training Program 147
Non-Profit or Advocacy 115
Laboratory Research 101
Government Agency 83
Administration 33
Retired 25


Serving on an IASLC committee in a volunteer capacity, members contribute their specialized skills and talents to help define the work of the organization, develop educational content, shape the association's messaging, plan annual meetings, contribute to publications authored by the IASLC, and more.

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Membership Committee
Led by Dr. Nan Wu of Peking University Cancer Hospital & Institute in China, this committee emphasizes the benefits that make the IASLC a great value for thoracic oncology professionals and fosters relationships with new members from around the globe.
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Mesothelioma Committee
Dr. Paul Bass of the Netherlands Cancer Institute is the new Chair of the Mesothelioma Committee. This Passionate group is driven to accelerate the pace of research and work across geographies to develop strategic research goals and to bring the disease to the forefront of research. In recent years, the have been several research updates in mesothelioma-many of which were spearheaded by members of this committee.
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Nurses and Allied Health Professional Committee
Chaired by Dr. Maria Ftanou of Peter MacCallum Cancer Center in Australia, this committee is comprised of members of the multidisciplinary team, including: clinical nurse specialists, dieticians and nutritionists, lung cancer nurse specialists, nurse navigators, occupational therapists, palliative care nurses, pharmacists, physician assistants, physiotherapists, radiation oncology nurses, respiratory therapists, psychologists, social workers, speech and language therapists, surgical nursing specialists, and others.
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Patient Advocacy Committee
The IASLC and the Patient Advocacy Committee, welcomes Chair, Jill Feldman of the U.S.-Based EGFR Resisters. Jill is committed to diversity and equity and plans to guide the committee to improve the global reach of the IASLC. This committee addresses the direct impact research has on its beneficiaries; patients with lung cancer, and how they can support continued research to improve treatment options and availability.
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Screening and Early Detection Committee
The IASLC Screening and Early Detection Committee advance screening and early detection programs through education and research across the globe. Led by Dr. Stephen Lam of the BC Cancer Center in Canada, this multidisciplinary group is composed of leaders from radiology, thoracic surgery, pulmonary medicine, medical oncology, nursing, basic science, and advocacy organizations from North America, Europe, Asia, South America, and Africa.
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Staging and Prognostic Factors Committee
Staging lung cancer and other thoracic malignancies accurately is critical in deciding treatment regimens and ensuring the best standardized care for patients worldwide. The IASLC's Staging & Prognostic Factors Committee, chaired by Dr. Hisao Asamura, of Keio University School of Medicine in Japan, actively works to study and improve the current staging system for lung cancer, as well as for thymic, esophageal cancers and mesothelioma.
Committee Chair:
Celine Mascaux
The Basic and Translational Science Committee is aimed at tackling key scientific questions to advance the understanding of thoracic malignancies. The committee brings together leading scientists, researchers, and clinicians from around the world to collaborate, share knowledge, and drive progress in the field of thoracic oncology.
Committee Chair:
Jarushka Naidoo
The Communications Committee develops campaigns to increase IASLC brand recognition and credibility while educating the public about complex lung and thoracic cancer issues. The committee also reviews articles for publication in the Journal of Thoracic Oncology and determines which pieces to promote to the media.
Committee Chair:
Nir Peled
The Global Multidisciplinary Practice Standards Committee (GMPSC) is dedicated to the development and implementation of global standards for tobacco control, screening, diagnosis, treatment, and supportive care management of thoracic malignancies. Comprised of a diverse group of internationally renowned experts in the field of thoracic oncology, including medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, pulmonologists, thoracic surgeons, and ancillary care experts and patient advocates. The GMPSC aims to establish comprehensive, multidisciplinary, evidence-based global standard(s) by reviewing literature and existing guidelines from around the world. By providing global standards, countries, and health systems will have a clear path forward to ensure optimal quality outcomes can be achieved.
Committee Chair:
Sudish Murthy
The Membership Committee review and recommend membership status requirements and benefits for all IASLC members. Members of this committee also strategize and implement tactics to increase and retain association membership in their area of specialty and region.
Committee Chair:
Michelle Turner
The Nursing & Allied Health Professionals Committee (NAHP) within IASLC is comprised of multidisciplinary clinicians and researchers each with a unique perspective, committed to advancing the education of both practitioners and patients in thoracic oncology. Our goal is to improve and optimize outcomes for oncology patients and families across the cancer trajectory through diagnosis, treatment, survivorship and end of life.
Committee Chair:
Shani Shilo
The Patient Advocates Committee ensures that the IASLC addresses the informational needs of the public, advocates and patients living with lung and thoracic cancers. This committee also comprehensively addresses the educational and related needs of the public as an important constituency in the work of the association. The IASLC, and this committee especially, works to ensure that the patient's voice and needs are not overshadowed by the science behind daily patient care.
Committee Chair:
Annette McWilliams
The Screening and Early Detection Committee provides leadership and oversight of IASLC activities in these areas. The committee works with appropriate internal committees to enhance the quality and quantity of IASLC cancer prevention initiatives and provides leadership in partnership with other societies in the area of cancer prevention and screening.
Committee Chair:
Tindara Franchina
The Career Development Committee is dedicated to fostering and advancing careers across the professional continuum by providing diverse opportunities in research, education, clinical care, and leadership in the field of thoracic malignancies worldwide. The committee will include representation from early career to established investigators.
Committee Chair:
Pranshu Mohindra
The Education Committee plans and implements educational activities in accordance with IASLC’s mission of providing education and information about lung cancer and other thoracic malignancies to IASLC members, to the medical community at large, and to the public.
Committee Chair:
Andreas Charalambous
The Global Policy and Partnerships Committee is focused on conquering thoracic cancers worldwide through policy change. Comprising global experts and professionals in the field of thoracic oncology, this committee is dedicated to advancing policy initiatives and enacting evidence-based recommendations to improve the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of thoracic malignancies worldwide.
Committee Chair:
Tom Stinchcombe
The Multidisciplinary Clinical Science Committee at the IASLC comprises leading experts and researchers in the field of clinical thoracic oncology who will tackle key scientific questions in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of thoracic malignancies worldwide.
Committee Chair:
Sanja Dacic
For more than 35 years, the IASLC Pathology Committee has played a fundamental role in fulfilling core aspects of the association's mission.
Committee Chair:
Paul Baas
The Rare Tumors Committee is a specialized committee established to address the unique challenges and needs of patients and healthcare professionals dealing with rare thoracic malignancies worldwide.
Committee Chair:
Joelle Fathi
Improving patient care by raising awareness of cessation-related data and by provision of information regarding the latest and most successful cessation techniques for patients with lung cancer.

Education and Conferences

This year it was imperative for the IASLC to execute impactful and interactive virtual conferences, given the continued, serious public health concerns and restrictions on travel and in-person gatherings due to COVID-19. As a result, the IASLC executed a portfolio of six fully virtual conferences with pre-recorded, live, and on-demand content. The WCLC 2021 offered Meet the Expert sessions and Brain Exchange sessions, offering the opportunity for greater interactivity, engagement, and member connectivity in a virtual setting.

2021 Meetings

2021 Targeted Therapies of Lung Cancer

ttlc 2021 banner

The IASLC 2021 Targeted Therapies of Lung Cancer Meeting (TTLC21) was held February 17-20, 2021, as a worldwide virtual event. Meeting Chairs, Drs. Paul A. Bunn, Jr., Roy Herbst, Lecia Sequist, and Suresh Ramalingam, welcomed more than 900 participants from 50 countries to share information about ongoing clinical trials of the newest therapies for lung cancer.

IASLC 2021 CT Screening Symposium: Forefront Advances in Lung Cancer Screening

CT Screening Banner

 This symposium was designed with new content delivery formats; IASLC pre-released 10+ hours of content while reserving the live program days, May 7-8, 2021, for more robust discussions and attendee engagement.

2021 Hot Topic Meeting: Small Cell Lung Cancer

SCLC 2021 Image

The fourth biennial IASLC Small Cell Lung Cancer Meeting was held as a Worldwide Virtual Event on October 29-30, 2021. The meeting focused on preclinical and clinical advances in small cell lung cancer (SCLC) research

2021 LALCA Schools of Thoracic Oncology

Laclc logo on blue background with orange lungs and green hexagons


The 2021 LALCA Schools of Thoracic Oncology, chaired by Drs. Luis E. Raez, Ticiana Leal, Christian Rolfo, and Edgardo Santos, provided wide-ranging and multidisciplinary content across four schools—thoracic oncology, allied health professionals, advocacy, and pathology

IASLC 2021 World Conference on Lung Cancer

The IASLC made an early decision to execute the 2021 World Conference on Lung Cancer (WCLC 2021) as a fully virtual event. The WCLC Conference Chairs, Drs. David Harpole, Thomas Stinchcombe, and Kristin Higgins continued the IASLC’s tradition of delivering high-quality educational programs marked by practice-changing abstracts.

WCLC 2021 Quick Facts

Featured & E-Posters / Posters
Invited Session Chairs
Plenary Speakers

Media Coverage

News Releases Issued
Registered Journalists
Stories in Spanish Media Outlets
Stories in Asian Media Outlets

Award Winners

2021 IASLC Distinguished Service Awards

Distinguished Service Awards

Each year, the IASLC honors professionals who have made major contributions to the field of thoracic cancers with its Distinguished Service Awards.

2021 Lectureship award winners

Lectureship Awards

The International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer at its 2021 World Conference on Lung Cancer presented awards to clinicians and researchers who made significant contributions to the fight against lung cancer.

Scientific Affairs

Lung Ambition Alliance

Lung Ambition Alliance

As an alliance we aim to: Increase Screening and Early Diagnosis, Deliver Innovative Medicine, Improve Quality of Care

Pathologic Response PR Initiatives

Lung Ambition Alliance

The IASLC has begun working on Phase 2 of the PR project, which aims to determine a global cadre of pathologists’ reproducibility of histological Major Pathologic Response (MPR)

Early Lung Imaging Confederation (ELIC)

The Early Lung Imaging Confederation (ELIC) is an international alliance of collaborating individuals and institutions who share a vision to develop a globally distributed, privacy-secured, lung cancer imaging database and computational analysis environment. 

IASLC Staging Project

The IASLC Staging Project

The IASLC is grateful to its members and other thoracic oncology professionals who submitted  patient data to better inform the 9th Edition of the TNM Classification for Thoracic Cancers. 

Journal of Thoracic Oncology

The Journal of Thoracic Oncology's (JTO) influence on the field is represented by its increased impact factor, which has climbed dramatically in recent years. The 2020 impact factor for JTO is 15.609 up from 13.357 in 2019. This moves the journal’s rank to 4th among 64 respiratory medicine journals and 13th among 242 oncology journals.

JTO and JTO CRR Logos

JTO Clinical and Research Reports

JTO Clinical and Research Reports (JTO CRR) transitioned to article-based publishing and became a monthly publication in 2021. In 2021, JTO CRR articles became indexed and available through PubMed Central.

JTO Impact Factor on the Rise

Labels Values
2008 3.508
2009 4.547
2010 4.040
2011 3.661
2012 4.473
2013 5.8
2014 5.282
2015 5.040
2016 6.595
2017 10.336
2018 12.460
2019 13.357
2020 15.609
Journals adjei alex

It is generally difficult for organ-specific oncology journals to make a significant impact in the oncology publishing landscape. With an Impact Factor of 15.609, JTO is the leading journal in thoracic oncology and, in the top fifteen (ranked 14th) of all cancer journals,” said Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Alex A. Adjei, MD, Ph.D. “JTO’s emphasis on multidisciplinary research is one of its strengths and serves the broad community of researchers in this field. 

IASLC Technology and Media Initiatives

IASLC Lung Cancer News

Laptop and Smart phone displaying

With new content posting to every two weeks, readers will find content applicable to their specialty and interests. A monthly digital issue was delivered directly to the inboxes of all IASLC members, for those who preferred to read their news “cover to cover.”

Website Development and Integration

Image of desktop, computer tablet, phone, and laptop displaying

In line with the IASLC’s Diversity Equity and Inclusion initiatives, was translated into Japanese, Portuguese, and Spanish on select landing pages in December 2021. 

Lung Cancer Considered Podcast

Lung Cancer Considered with Dr. Stephen Liu and Dr. Narjust Florez. An IASLC Podcast

Listenership to Lung Cancer Considered, the official podcast of the IASLC, nearly doubled in 2021. Join your peers in listening for conversations with the clinicians, researchers, healthcare professionals, patients, and advocates who are making a difference in the treatment of thoracic cancers.


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In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the IASLC conducted a series of CME-accredited webinars in 2020 and 2021 to provide a global forum for multidisciplinary perspectives on the diagnosis and management of lung cancer within the COVID-19 environment.

Patient Advocacy

The IASLC recognizes the importance and value that patients with lung cancer, their caregivers, and patient advocates bring to the lung cancer community and to the organization.

Stronger Together Patient Advocates all in a group


In its third year, and amid the continued COVID-19 pandemic, the IASLC STARS program remained fully virtual. To ensure maximum knowledge sharing and opportunities to network, STARS proudly partnered with Research Advocacy Network (RAN).

IASLC Language Guide Cover

Language Guide

The IASLC Language Guide was developed by members of the IASLC to provide guidelines on best practices with common phrases used during presentations at IASLC conferences and within submitted abstracts.

2021 Cancer Care Team Awards

The 2021 IASLC Cancer Care Team Award recognizes extraordinary patient care in the field of thoracic malignancies. Awardees are nominated by patients and their loved ones. 


  December 31 (Unaudited) 
  2021 2020
Program Revenues $12,78,644 $7,148,662
Membership Revenues $744,497 $632,870
Other Revenues $927,858 --
Total Revenues $14,465,999 $7,781,532
Direct Program Expenses $7,582,308 $4,584,120
G&A Expenses $5,115,252 $5,520,532
Total Expenses $12,697,560 $10,104,652
Operating Surplus(Deficit) $1,759,439 ($2,323,120)
Other Income/Expense  $950,000 $65,296



Revenue by Type

Labels Values
Conferences & Meetings 62%
Scientific Projects 9%
Publications 12%
Membership 5%
Fellowships 5%
Federal Grants 6%

Corporate Relations

To explore all the opportunities to engage with the IASLC please contact us at the button below. 

International Lung Cancer Foundation

2021 was the International Lung Cancer Foundation's (ILCF) most successful individual fundraising year ever. We are grateful to each individual who donated to support lung cancer research in 2021

Donation Sources

Labels Values
membership Renewals 5%
Online Donations 14%
Honoraria 6%
Meetings (not WCLC) 6%
WCLC 21%
Adi Gazdar Estate 48%
Collage of the Board of Directors in action. Photos are framed by white boarders

Board of Directors

The IASLC’s multidisciplinary board brings a wealth of clinical and scientific thoracic oncology expertise, a close familiarity with institutional leadership and tremendous passion for ongoing improvements to care of patients with lung cancer. 



The staff of the IASLC is united in a shared passion to conquer lung cancer by serving its members worldwide.