Welcome Letter
Dear Colleagues and Friends, Welcome to the 2021 IASLC Annual Report! As we look back on 2021, we see how our lives, our Association and the lung cancer community as a whole continued to be impacted by the pandemic. While we hoped that 2021 would bring us back together to meet in person, that was not to be. However, IASLC was able to produce extraordinary publications and education offerings within a virtual platform.
IASLC Year in Review
Dr. Heather Wakelee welcomes you to the IASLC 2021 Annual Report.
IASLC's International and Multidisciplinary Membership
Despite the worldwide focus on COVID-19, IASLC members from all corners of the world continued to drive scientific advancements and collaboration. IASLC members worked in incredibly difficult circumstances during the pandemic. Furthering the mission of the IASLC, members were supported in these global efforts by receiving discounted registration fees to meetings and educational events, complimentary access to the Journal of Thoracic Oncology and discounted publication fees for the open-access IASLC Journal, JTO Clinical and Research Reports. (JTO CRR)
Members By Country/Region
Members by Primary Specialty
Labels | Values |
Medical Oncology | 1984 |
Thoracic Surgery | 862 |
Other/Unknown | 613 |
Pulmonary Medicine | 593 |
Cancer Research | 412 |
Radiation Oncology | 389 |
Pathology | 335 |
Advocacy | 270 |
Biotech/Pharmaceutical | 170 |
Nursing | 93 |
Diagnostic Radiology | 90 |
Pharmacy | 51 |
Biostatistics | 40 |
Smoking Cessation | 11 |
Hemotology | 8 |
Resp Therapy/Physiotherapy | 6 |
Professional Activity/Practice
Labels | Values |
Academic Medical Center | 2966 |
Other/Unknown | 830 |
Cancer Center | 655 |
Pharmaceutical/Biotech | 554 |
Private Practice (Hospital) | 216 |
Private Practice (Office) | 202 |
Training Program | 147 |
Non-Profit or Advocacy | 115 |
Laboratory Research | 101 |
Government Agency | 83 |
Administration | 33 |
Retired | 25 |
Serving on an IASLC committee in a volunteer capacity, members contribute their specialized skills and talents to help define the work of the organization, develop educational content, shape the association's messaging, plan annual meetings, contribute to publications authored by the IASLC, and more.
IASLC 2021 World Conference on Lung Cancer
The IASLC made an early decision to execute the 2021 World Conference on Lung Cancer (WCLC 2021) as a fully virtual event. The WCLC Conference Chairs, Drs. David Harpole, Thomas Stinchcombe, and Kristin Higgins continued the IASLC’s tradition of delivering high-quality educational programs marked by practice-changing abstracts.
WCLC 2021 Quick Facts
Media Coverage
Journal of Thoracic Oncology
The Journal of Thoracic Oncology's (JTO) influence on the field is represented by its increased impact factor, which has climbed dramatically in recent years. The 2020 impact factor for JTO is 15.609 up from 13.357 in 2019. This moves the journal’s rank to 4th among 64 respiratory medicine journals and 13th among 242 oncology journals.

JTO Clinical and Research Reports
JTO Clinical and Research Reports (JTO CRR) transitioned to article-based publishing and became a monthly publication in 2021. In 2021, JTO CRR articles became indexed and available through PubMed Central.
JTO Impact Factor on the Rise
Labels | Values |
2008 | 3.508 |
2009 | 4.547 |
2010 | 4.040 |
2011 | 3.661 |
2012 | 4.473 |
2013 | 5.8 |
2014 | 5.282 |
2015 | 5.040 |
2016 | 6.595 |
2017 | 10.336 |
2018 | 12.460 |
2019 | 13.357 |
2020 | 15.609 |

It is generally difficult for organ-specific oncology journals to make a significant impact in the oncology publishing landscape. With an Impact Factor of 15.609, JTO is the leading journal in thoracic oncology and, in the top fifteen (ranked 14th) of all cancer journals,” said Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Alex A. Adjei, MD, Ph.D. “JTO’s emphasis on multidisciplinary research is one of its strengths and serves the broad community of researchers in this field.
Patient Advocacy
The IASLC recognizes the importance and value that patients with lung cancer, their caregivers, and patient advocates bring to the lung cancer community and to the organization.
2021 Cancer Care Team Awards
The 2021 IASLC Cancer Care Team Award recognizes extraordinary patient care in the field of thoracic malignancies. Awardees are nominated by patients and their loved ones.
December 31 (Unaudited) | ||
2021 | 2020 | |
Program Revenues | $12,78,644 | $7,148,662 |
Membership Revenues | $744,497 | $632,870 |
Other Revenues | $927,858 | -- |
Total Revenues | $14,465,999 | $7,781,532 |
Direct Program Expenses | $7,582,308 | $4,584,120 |
G&A Expenses | $5,115,252 | $5,520,532 |
Total Expenses | $12,697,560 | $10,104,652 |
Operating Surplus(Deficit) | $1,759,439 | ($2,323,120) |
Other Income/Expense | $950,000 | $65,296 |
Revenue by Type
Labels | Values |
Conferences & Meetings | 62% |
Scientific Projects | 9% |
Publications | 12% |
Membership | 5% |
Fellowships | 5% |
Federal Grants | 6% |
International Lung Cancer Foundation
Donation Sources
Labels | Values |
membership Renewals | 5% |
Online Donations | 14% |
Honoraria | 6% |
Meetings (not WCLC) | 6% |
WCLC | 21% |
Adi Gazdar Estate | 48% |